Benefits of Volunteering

The benefits for company volunteer involvement includes a bolstering of team spirit among participating employees, increased company morale, exposure in the community and a greater understanding of how commitment of time and money makes a difference.

  • Day of Caring will strengthen community relationships and corporate visibility.
    • Studies show that citizens in many communities are looking increasingly to companies to "give something back" to their local communities. Volunteerism is one highly visible means of doing so. In a 1998 survey by Hill and Knowlton and Yankelovich Partners, 37 percent of Americans said "volunteering employees to help" was the "most impressive" company philanthropic activity; only 12 percent rated "giving a large some of money" as the most desirable act.
    • "Our volunteer programs help make us visible in the community, which improves our overall image to clients or potential clients."
  • Participating in a service day will enhance team spirit and employee morale.
    • Encouraging teams of employees within the same department to participate in off-site volunteer projects together can create internal cohesion and a shared sense of working to benefit others.  In addition, the Day of Caring is an opportunity to work cross-departmentally or with other companies.
    • "I have been able to bond and make some really close friends with the people I work with. We share the same values, and that makes working together that much nicer."
  • Company participation in volunteer activities helps to recruit and retain employees.
    • Studies have shown that company participation in service days or more formal volunteer programs are more likely to have lower turnover rates because employees see community service as an attractive company benefit.
    • "Offering this time off helps us attract the type of community-minded employees that we want working here.And those people tend to remain with us once they join."
  • Participation in the Day of Caring facilitates a greater understanding of how commitment of time and money makes a difference in our community.